Monday, December 19, 2011

Burly owners of foo-foo dogs, rejoice!

Hi all!  I'm starting to move this blog over to Word Press. I just completed a recent post called Burly Owners of Foo-Foo Dogs, Rejoice! click here to see the whole post!

1 comment:

  1. love your new site! fabulous! it will not, however, allow me to submit a comment! the error message reads, "enter password." so i'll type it here! :)

    it's amazing of how adaptable dogs are to their environment!

    with gwendolyn, she can rough house it in the enchanted forest (beagle traits dominate); and she can, in the same day, strut along the fashionable streets of manhattan (pug traits dominate).

    here's a clip of her most recent adventure in the enchanted forest!
    enjoy! please tell us what madison thinks! ;)
